Thursday, May 13, 2010


Are You Insane? I know this sounds strange but this year’s Filmmaking Business Building TIP is a question that I want you to start asking yourself on a daily basis, because it will change your business and change your life! Everyone hopes for a better year every year, but alot of people are not ready or made up their minds to do the unusual to get what they are hoping for. if you keep doing the same thing, the exact same way and expect different results then that’s insane, in fact it is lunacy! Unfortunately, that is exactly what some people do! some people keep doing the same thing, the same way and expect different results. We must be willing to change if we want different results! As a little child if you keep doing dose things mummy does not like, you will keep getting spanked until you figure it out that if you don’t want the spanking anymore you have to change.

At that point you would have learnt that if you want a different result then you must do some different things. Friends, this is a phrase that I think we must all remember and continue to ask ourselves; “Am I acting insane today? Do I really want different results in my life and my Filmmaking business? Am I willing to try some different things? Am I willing to CHANGE?” Friends, I ask you again, “Are You Insane?” If the answer is no, then make a decision to get busy this year and do some different things, and do some things differently… so you can get some different results!

A New Day, A New You!
Would you like to make this the best year
ever? If you answered, yes, then the next step is to figure how.
Stuff will happen that you cannot control. Success, ultimately, is a matter of choice. The key to stopping that lunacy is first to decide. In anything in life, the first thing you must do is decide. Unfortunately, most people refuse to choose and therefore choose to lose. Either you will decide for your life or life will decide for you. Its either you continue the insanity or you will decied the spanking is enough and you want change. Now know that decision without action is insanity. You must act on your decision. It takes only a minute of desicive action to change your life and make the rest of your life the best of your life.

You’ve Got To Have A Dream
Every day is a brand new day, a day unlike any other day, a brand new
opportunity to make your filmmaking dreams come true. But in order for your dreams to
come true, it is necessary for you to have a dream. You’ve got to have a
dream, a goal. Not just a resolution that you make on the first of January
and forget by the fifteenth, but a goal, a target, a destination that you have
made a commitment to. It is critical that you have a dream. It has been said, “It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in not having a goal to reach for...”
Ladies and gentlemen, most people have low aim or no aim and make little
resolutions that they don’t stick to. If you aim at nothing, this is probably
what you will hit. Aim high, dream big dreams, set big goals, and remember all things are possible if you can just believe. Lets look at 12 things you must do this year starting right now to stop the insanity and build your dream filmmaking business:

1. Decide what you want. If you don’t have a dream, how are you
going to have a dream come true?

2. Write it down and be specific. Until it’s written, it’s not serious and
the more specific, the better.

3. Read it 3 times a day. Once in the morning, once at noon, and again
before bed.

4. Set the date of accomplishment. If you don’t set a date, you will
procrastinate. Tomorrow has been postpond. Act NOW!

5. Think of it often. Take time daily to think and ask yourself, “What
else can I do to achieve my goals?

6. Dream and imagine. See yourself enjoying it. If you can see it, you
can be it.

7. Develop a plan of action. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

8. Do three things everyday towards the goal. Three consistent things
are better than 100 inconsistent things.

9. Stay Positive. Remember, your input determines your output! Read
and listen to positive motivation daily. Highly recommend, visit this blog always.

10.Act as though you have achieved it. Sometimes you must fake it
until you make it!

11. Go on a mental fast for seven days. In the those seven days decipline your mind to only think positve thoughts no matter what happens. If you find yourself driffting stop and retrace your steps.

12. Read, read, read. You must read book that will help you achieve and empower you for your dream. Leaders are readers. Also watch video tutorials for those of you who are very visual.

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